Plant Material |
- shrubs
- trees
- ferns
- vines
- perennials
- ferns
- annuals
Plant Care |
- soil preparation
- mulching
- pruning
- planting
Park Design |
- lighting
- irrigation
- playground
- volunteer
| |
Park Design
Municipal Park Management & Urban Forestry |
Preparation of the soil for shrubs and smaller plants such as annuals and perennials is the key factor in the development of a successful park landscape.
Soil preparation steps:
- Analysis of the existing soil to determine
-amount of fertilizer
-organic matter
- Assuring proper drainage and creating a raised bed if necessary
- Removal of all weeds, grass, unwanted vegetation, sticks, roots, and large stones
- Fertilizer, lime, and other materials the soil test indicate as required,
should be spread evenly
- Soil is dug up & turned over by shovel or rototilled into the top 12 inches of loam
- A 4-inch layer of compost material and a 2 inch layer of peat is spread
over the soil and tilled again
- Examples of compost include
-mushroom compost
-well-decomposed leaf mold
-grass compost
-peat moss
- Add a 50 percent organic fertilizer, such as 10-10-10 and 0-20-0 prior to planting,
application rate is 1 pound of nitrogen per 1000 square feet or 1 pound
of 10-10-10 per 10,000 square feet.
- Most flowering plants prefer a 5.5 to 6.8 pH and any corrections to reach
this level should be made prior to planting
- After laying out the bed with a garden hose, string or other method,
edge the bed with a spade or edging tool
This ideal soil preparation encourages deep roots and strong growth
and has an ample supply of nutrients, moisture, and air.